Announces Retirement

It is with a mix of emotions that I announce my retirement as the President of our esteemed union effective December 31, 2023. After careful consideration and reflection, I have decided that it is time for me to pass on the torch and embark on a new chapter in my life. This decision was not an easy one, as serving as your President has been an incredible honor and privilege.
I have been a member of this union for over thirty-five years. The NCFO is the true foundation of my family, and it has also been the foundation of NCFO members for 125 years. I think of all the achievements over the last 35 years, our biggest must be the Railroad Retirement and Survivors Improvement Act of 2001. We have enjoyed major victories, such as our eight-year contract dispute with Amtrak. I must have taken part in more Presidential Emergency Boards than any other NCFO officer ever. Our battles all over the nation would find me in State Capitols and our Nation’s Capital, but my favorite place to fight was in the streets with the members of the NCFO. There were times, our members would escort me out of harm’s way from riots and the police. I always felt the members of the NCFO had my back. We had amazing victories for our members, such as the largest wage increase in 48 years for our Freight Railroad members and an increase in insurance for Autism and hearing. NCFO Amtrak members received the largest wage increase in the history of Amtrak with paid time off.
I want to thank all our Rail Labor Partners and their staff who helped us provide service to the NCFO members. One union can never do it alone, we need partners and I have been fortunate to collaborate with these great people from all of the Rail and Transportation Unions. Also, I must thank the Transportation Trades Department President Greg Regan and his team for all they do for Rail Labor, the High-Speed Rail Coalition, SEIU and our friends at 32BJ, President Manny Pastriech and Secretary-Treasurer John Santos, thank you.
I want to thank all NCFO Officers and the wonderful staff that has collaborated with me all these years. I cannot mention everyone, but you all know who you are!
We have had our share of disappointments also. I mention them because I always wanted to do more for the NCFO members. I still want to see future progress on issues that would make our members enjoy a better quality of life. We must continue to improve the lives of our members and their family. The greatest gift America offers this world is the American Worker.
On October 9, 2023, the NCFO Executive Board voted to merge the Secretary-Treasurer position with the President’s position. I am proud to report that the NCFO Executive Board voted Michael Pistone to fill the remainder of the current three-year term. I am extremely confident that President Elect Pistone and his team will move forward our union to protect our members for decades to come.
I want to thank the NCFO members for allowing me to lead this great union. It is a great union, only because the NCFO has great members who make it a great union.
God Bless the NCFO and God Bless the Labor Movement
In unity
Dean Devita