
Michael Pistone
Michael Pistone has been an NCFO member since he started at the Long Island Railroad in 1998. In 2004, he became NCFO shop steward, eventually becoming Local Chairman of Chapter 311.
Michael became an NCFO Vice General Chairman in 2013. In 2014, he became a General Chairman for many of the commercial and Railroad properties. In 2020, Michael was elected as a member of
the NCFO executive board and appointed Assistant to the President in addition to General Chairman.
In 2021, Michael was elected by the Unions representing Amtrak to the Joint Medical Administration Committee (JMAC) as the Labor trustee Vice Chairman. During the 2022 contract negotiations with Amtrak, Michael was the lead spokesman for a coalition with some of NCFO’s Railroad Partners. By November of 2022, Michael was appointed Director of Railroads overseeing all railroad properties where the NCFO has members.
In October of 2023, the NCFO Executive Board voted Michael Pistone to fill the remainder of the current three-year term of then President Dean Devita after he announced his retirement. Effective January 1st, 2024, Michael Pistone became President of the NCFO.
Executive Board

Senior General Chairman
Travis Prothro
Travis Prothro has been a member of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers since he was hired at the Union Pacific Railroad in 2003. Travis served the NCFO as Local Chairman and in 2018 he was appointed Vice General Chairman. In 2020, Travis was appointed Senior General Chairman of the Western Region.

General Chairman
Vincent Ruffolo
Vincent Ruffolo has been a member of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers since he was hired at the Metro North Railroad in 1998. Vinny served the NCFO as Local Chairman since 2000. In 2020, he was appointed NCFO General Chairman.