Dean Devita, President of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers, SEIU 32BJ (NCFO) announced today that the Executive Board of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers unanimously voted to join the U.S. High-Speed Rail Coalition Executive Committee. The Committee is comprised of passenger and high-speed rail stakeholders, proponents and supporters.
The Committee’s campaign will focus on educating both the public and all levels of elected officials on the benefits of investing in the expansion of high-speed rail services.
Goals of the Campaign
- A minimum of $205 billion for true high-speed rail
- The establishment of a Rail Trust Fund
- Formation of a High-Speed Rail Development Agency within USDOT
- Maintaining the robust labor standards outlined in the American High Speed Rail Act
The U.S. High-Speed Rail Coalition is chaired by three former secretaries of the Department of Transportation. Through their fierce efforts advocating for more high-speed rail funding, the High-Speed Rail Coalition has increased the funding from $20 billion to $30 billion over five years in the INVEST ACT. The Coalition hopes to increase high-speed rail funding even more in the next few months during reconciliation.
High-Speed Rail means jobs for all rail partner unions. As well as members in SEIU, the building and construction trades, steel workers and plumbers. The Buy America provisions will help revitalize our domestic manufacturing and steel production. Increasing high-speed rail funding opens up an avenue for new union members in this new transportation sector. It is the future of those unions, especially the rail unions, and most of all the members of the NCFO, SEIU and our rail union partners.
NCFO President Dean Devita issued the following statement:
“If not today, when will our Nation address the desperate need for High-Speed Rail? TODAY is the opportunity to rebuild our transportation infrastructure. The NCFO is proud to join the High-Speed Rail Executive Committee. Together WE will make sure America rebuilds, rides and prosperous because of High-Speed Rail.”
NCFO Secretary-Treasurer Robert Smith stated:
“The NCFO is excited about this opportunity, for commuters, NCFO members and for the entire Labor Movement.”
The NCFO is are an affiliate of 32BJ SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, which has 2.1 million members dedicated to raising industry standards, making life better for working families and our communities, and building a fair economy. The NCFO represents members employed in the Commercial Sector and Freight Railroads, Amtrak, Commuter Rail and short line railroads.