August 5th, 2021

On behalf of the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers, SEIU 32BJ, President Dean Devita issues a statement regarding the untimely passing of President Richard L. Trumka of the AFLCIO.
“Today we mourn the loss of a true legend in the labor movement. President Richard Trumka dedicated his life to uplifting the working class for nearly 50 years starting as a young staff attorney with the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) in 1974. A third-generation coal miner himself, he was an outspoken advocate for social and economic justice and lead the labor movement’s efforts to create an economy based on broadly shared prosperity. He believed in holding employers and political leaders accountable to our working families. It is incumbent upon us to follow his example of exemplary leadership in fighting for workers’ rights.”
NCFO President Dean Devita
President Richard L. Trumka passed away today at age 72. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family & friends during this time, as well as the many people whose lives he has impacted throughout time as a leader.
The NCFO is an affiliate of 32BJ SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, which has 2.1 million members dedicated to raising industry standards, making life better for working families and our communities, and building a fair economy.