House passes historic $1.2 Trillion infrastructure bill

The National Conference of Firemen & Oilers applauds the House of Representatives on the passing of the H.R. 3684 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. In a 228-206 vote on Friday night where 6 Democrats voted against and 13 Republicans voted in favor, the House hands Biden a major legislative victory within his first year in office.
The bipartisan bill may be a triumph for the President, but it is a huge win for all Americans. The spending package would provide $550 billion of new federal investments in bridges and roads, as well as energy systems and mass transit programs. It would create a program aimed at building and repairing bridges in rural communities, and one to expand internet connectivity in Tribal and rural communities. It would further provide funding to protect water systems, particularly in low-income communities. This bill will create millions of union jobs and improve the lives of working families across the country.
NCFO President Dean Devita stated, “This is the largest significant investment in transportation in 60 years. Especially for Amtrak, freight and commuter railroads. This action will finally kick the door down for investment into high-speed rail.”
We are grateful for the leadership from our President and the resolve of our Congress members to get this bill passed, and we look forward to working with our political partners on the implementation of this historic infrastructure deal.
The NCFO is an affiliate of 32BJ SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, which has 2.1 million members dedicated to raising industry standards, making life better for working families and our communities, and building a fair economy.